
for the Xiaomi Mi 4c, by BYZYB

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Jan 14, 2020 | 02:47AM
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ℹ Notes: ———————— This is the first verison of Lineage-17.1, just update without factory reset. From this verison, the "addon-su" is included in the rom by default, which could provide root access without Magisk and takes fewer resources. Root access is disabled, unless being enabled by shell command "setprop persist.sys.root_access 1" (either Terminal APP or ADB shell is right). The "addon-su" will not affect Magisk, as Magisk SU has higher priority than the built-in "su". To disable it, just run "setprop persist.sys.root_access 0". Please also make sure the permission of "/system/xbin/su" is "0755, rwxr-xr-x" (could be set in recovery), or just install the "addon-su" extension package (will be fixed in the next verison): └ ✅ Highlights: ———————— The lineage-17.1 roms now has similar (or better) performance and stability with lineage-16.0, which is nearly ready for daily use. ✅ Main changes: ———————— Android Security Patch level: 1/1/2020; Disable NearbyMessagingService (no more crashes in logcat); Fix MTP device type; Fix opus OMX codec ranking; Kernel improvements: └ Disable unused debug features and logs; └ Import dynamic sync control 2.1 to get better I/O performance; └ Memory management improvements; └ Pick some patches of F2FS; └ Sync android binder driver source with kernel 3.18; └ Remove unused governors and schedulers; └ Stability improvements for qcacld-2.0 WLAN driver; └ Some other performance and stability improvements; No longer perform wirte operation on a read-only file system; Optimize GPS profile; Remove unused/unexist GPS packages; Update CarrierConfig overlay from LA.UM.8.6.r1-02900-89xx.0; Update charger service path and label; Use boot process scripts ( as "init.d". ⛔ Known issues: ———————— Accidentally bootloop; Incorrect battery indicator (sometimes, reboot/replug the charger may help); SELinux permissive; VOLTE (no IMS stuff from Qualcomm, won't fix).

Additional Information:

Refer to the following links for more details: ———————— [device]: [kernel]: [vendor]:
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